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Golola. Spanish in&out
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    +34 696 423 144

Business Spanish

This programme is planned for profesional people who need Spanish for their job and want an intensive course to refresh or update their knowledege. The course structure consists of 12 days with two weeks of classes and a leisure weekend in Spanish to enjoy the island.

Native teachers from different regions of Spain give lessons in the morning for 20 hours a week. In the afternoon a programme of cultural and leisure activities is offered in Spanish, taking advantage of what the island has to offer. You can also choose to complete the morning classes with one- to-one sessions.

This programme is focused on solving professional situations, so the course is aimed at people with some knowledge of Spanish. The sessions are held at the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce, in the city centre, where meetings with local professionals will be also be held, so students have the chance to become acquainted with the Mallorcan business environment speaking Spanish.

  • GoLOLA: e-mail hola@golola.es or through Skype at goLOLAmallorca